"Ministry Partners will begin receiving 2024 Contribution Statements via email between 1/27/2025 and 1/31/2025. To verify the accuracy of email addresses, please contact the church office to verify or update and to make sure we have your preferred email.

You may also contact the church office if you do not have an email address. A hard copy will be made available for pickup or mailed by request only.
Thank you for the generous giving and support to The Fountain of Raleigh Fellowship.  

Paul L. Anderson, Senior Pastor

Welcome to The Fountain of Raleigh Fellowship

The Fountain is a fellowship of Christian Believers who gather to worship Almighty God,
study His Word and encourage each other through Christian fellowship right in Raleigh, North Carolina and virtually.
We invite you to worship God with us as we experience the presence of the
Holy Spirit and exalt Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Our Faith

We believe that the Bible was written by men, divinely inspired and is the record of God’s revelation of Himself to all humanity. It is a perfect treasure for divine instruction. It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and its content is inerrant and infallible. 


At The Fountain, giving is an important part of who we are and integral to our Christian beliefs.  Your gifts support multiple ministries within the church from the youth ministry to the fitness ministry,; operations at The Fountain;  and missions in the surrounding communities of Raleigh, Durham, and North Carolina, as well as around the world.

Bible Study

Come and join us virtually at The Fountain of Raleigh Fellowship  -- where God’s blessings never stop flowing!
Revelation 7:17 “… for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them to living fountains of water…“. Revelation 2:17c “…I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirst.”

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