The Fountain is grateful to welcome you to in-person worship! We are holding worship service every Sunday at 9:00 am. We have resumed our normal seating capacity in the Sanctuary, suspending socially-distanced seating.
A new HVAC system has been installed for the building. The system meets industry standards for COVID mitigation. The building, especially frequent-touch surfaces, are cleaned and sanitized between services. All worship service participants and volunteers are required to be fully-vaccinated.
The wearing of masks at The Fountain is optional. Current CDC guidance pertaining to places of worship encourages all people who are not fully vaccinated to continue to wear face masks.
Keeping our ministry partners’ safety and protection in mind, we ask everyone to adhere to these important guidelines and expectations which have been established for in-person worship at The Fountain:
- Everyone must enter the building through the front doors.
- Masks are optional.
- Upon arrival, everyone must stop, review the posted COVID screening questions and take their temperature.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at multiple sanitizing stations.
- A digital bulletin will be accessible using a QR code available in the lobby.
- Offering will be collected at the end of service. Donations will be placed in marked containers as attendees exit. Donations may also be made online via the Fountain website or by using the QR code available onsite.
- On Communion Sunday (1st Sunday), communion supplies will be available for pick-up in the lobby near the entrance to the Sanctuary. Used cups will be disposed of as attendees exit.
- The nursery will be available on an as-needed basis at the discretion of the ushers.
- Worship services will continue to be available for live streaming on The Fountain Facebook page and YouTube channel.
*** REMEMBER ***
You should not attend in-person worship if you develop any COVID-19 symptoms, tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days, or have been exposed to someone with symptoms or someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
In the event that in-person worship is suspended, worship services
will continue on livestream.